Update: it’s all fine

illustration of a man treading water, keeping his head above water, with the French caption 'Fig. 10 - Le balancement'

No, honestly, it’s fine. I re-read the last post, and I think ‘well that was a bit much’. Then I remember that being a bit much was exactly the thing I was worried about being able to escape. Things have since calmed down.

What happened next was: I bought a second-hand Wedgewood box with Icarus and Daedalus on it to mark this brief deranged time in my life, and also a mug that says ‘STOP THINKING’ on it. I caught Covid and developed as a side-effect of seclusion a brief obsession with making origami boxes. A long-term health problem made itself known again and I was exhausted for weeks on end. I had my meds adjusted to a better level. Between all this, I just…stopped examining all signs and phenomena and omens and parallels as they related to the workings of my mind for a while.

I better understand what the meds fix and what they do not, and I still seem strange to myself and others in several ways. But it’s fine.